
Missouri ghost towns
Missouri ghost towns

missouri ghost towns

Similarly, consumer items were unloaded in Amity for the stores there and for DeKalb County in general. A stockyard for the Rock developed and the town became a waystation and loading zone for agricultural products from DeKalb County onto the railway. In its new location, Amity thrived, as general stores, hotels, banks, schools, and churches popped up as the town became an important stop on the railway. Amity was founded in 1872, but when the Chicago and Rock Island Railway was completed in 1885, the townsite moved about a mile north to straddle the tracks. It looks, for all intents and purposes, like a dying town. Joseph MO-KS Metropolitan Statistical Area, despite the fact that there is 30 miles of relatively empty farmland between St. The last census put its population at 54, though it has since shrunk to 47 (though, in the stupidity of American metropolitan areas, it is apart of the St. Amity is a blink-and-you-miss it tiny town on Route J in northwestern Missouri.

Missouri ghost towns